Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How enduring were the changes created by the 1848 revolutions?

In 1848 Europe lived a time of uneasiness. Many revolts took place all over the continent, when the middle and working class istood upi. The only ones lucky enough to escape from revolution were England and Russia. France was under the power of Louis Philippe, a reactionary monarch who was against change. The Austrian Empire ruled by Metternich even though Ferdinand was the actual king. A lack of political change and social reforms bothered the people as the population increased. Education was available for more people but the economic system started to fail. revolutions took place in 1848 in Austria-Hungary, France and Germany. As a result the 1848 revolutions only left temporal alternations to the traditional system and ended up being a transfer of power. France as the most influential nation of all European nations had a strong liberal force, which opposed to the fact of being ruled by Louis Philippe. The French middle-class complained for the permanent rejection, and discrimination from the government, as they had no representation at all. After the army had killed 40 protestors, a crowd of discontent middle and working class was already on their way to the city, hours later broke Paris into open revolt. Noticing that it was already too late, Louis Philippe abdicated forcing the Parisians to create a provisional government. This short-term solution became an alliance between the middle class liberals, and the radical working classes. This coalition turned into a clear victory over the Monarchs, which wouldn't last long, before several problems aroused due to different interests and ideas each group held. What occurred was that the middle class, principally conformed by intellectuals, doctors, minor employers, etc, wanted several changes that were mainly based on their social interests, (e. g. the voting system, and the freedom of speech) above anything else. The working classes not only had the same interests, but also had others that extended to the economic side, which for the middle class wasn't as important. When the social interests from the middle class were partially reformed they didn't have much more to protests about, so they instead retired. This caused a huge discontent within the working classes that still expected other changes and weren't being supported by the middles class that had already achieved most of their purposes. Many changes took place in those first months the most important one was the instauration of the universal male suffrage that allowed men over 21 to vote. This increased the number of voters from 240,000 to almost 9 million. Other changes like the reduction of the working hours to 11 hours, and the opening of workhouses were made to help the unemployed. Thanks to these changes people from the provinces could get involved with what had being going around in Paris. The majority of the voters were people from the rural areas, and as a result the lections for the constituent assembly were in favor of moderate republicans or the conservative monarchs. The revolutionaries had won, in November 1849 during the second republic Louis Napoleon became president by popular election. Two months before the elections the 12 hour working day had been re-established, however the universal male suffrage still remained. In 1848 the Austrians heard form the revolutions in France and how successful they had been. Encouraged by this racial and social tensions as well as imperial repression of rights would influence revolts in the Habsburg Empire. Very similar to what happened in France forced by Ferdinand, Metternich who was in charge had to leave. Revolutionaries won but they had many disagreements between each other. What happened was that at the beginning both the middle class and the working class needed reforms. When these had been made middle class were satisfied but the working class felt that the Empire was still in debt with them. For this reason the unity came to an end. For the middle class the fact of having freedom of press, tax reforms, and an increase in freedom of religion was enough. The people still demanded to exclude non-Hungarian soldiers from the Hungarian army. This became possible once Ferdinand decided that Hungary should be an independent country. In Austria finally one of the constitutional changes established (the March laws) were approved, the nobility would loose their tax exemptions and the feudal system was abolished from the Empire. Due to the fact that the radicals and the liberals had very different interests there was also a nationalist conflict between certain groups amongst the empire. However the change that would endure the most after the civil revolt was the one that would eventually harm the revolution. This change had been dictated by the constituent assembly, and it was the abolition of serfdom (a member of the lowest feudal class bound to the land and owned by a lord). As a result the revolutionaries would be left without any real support from the peasantry, as they would have no cause to complain. Like the Habsburg Empire, Germany was also lead by the incidents that took place in France. In this case German States fell into a greater economic crisis than France. It seemed to be that reforms were simply one of the elements that the insurgents required and beside it came the acceptance of a concession which Prussia, Bavaria, Baden, and Wurttemberg agreed to. A meeting in Heidelberg (Vorparlament) was called to supervise the election to the German Representative Assembly. This assembly was formed not to impose their power, but to act upon the lack of it, a characteristic of March 1848. The assembly was mainly elected by the middle class, and one of the first measures that it took into consideration was the Universal Male Suffrage, with the support of one delegate for every 50,000 Germans. Germany had the urgency of finding someone appropriate to take control over all the state, and thought that the Habsburgs, a very important and well-known German family, lead by the Archduke John could be a good choice. In June the Habsburgs took control over Germany. For many working class Germans the poor less job that the Frankfurt Parliament had done to solve their problems didn't satisfy them. They thought that within meetings they could discuss many economic problems and find the appropriate solution to each one of them. Their requests were then brought up and demanded changes like: the limitation of the factory production, restrictions upon free economic and industrial growth, and the protection of the privileges for the old artisan guilds. The protests that took place afterwards were very big and in some cases the Parliament had to recruit Prussian and Austrian troops. Eventually the emergence of the of the national issue and the fear of working class violence, created the route to the re-establishment of the German Government, including the return of Friederich Wilhelm. The German troops helped by the Prussians and the Austrians were sent into Berlin. Once again Friederich Wilhelm was offered to wear the German Crown and he refused. Not accepting the German crown was enough to end with Frankfurt Parliaments big failure. Once the Austrian and Prussian delegates had left the Parliament it was dismissed by Prussian troops. At the end of the revolution some agrarian reforms still remained but in remark the liberal, constitutional revolution failed to succeed. We may clearly rely on A. J. P. Taylor who says: â€Å"There was merely a vacuum in which the liberals postured until the vacuum was pilled† Big revolutions took place in France, Austria-Hungary, and Germany in 1848. The government systems had been there for a very long time, each nation and the people wanted several reforms on those systems were becoming a huge pain. In France everything seemed to work fine, until Louis Napoleon declared himself Emperor. Terminating with the Universal Male Suffrage, which as other changes was thought to be enduring, but at the end it didn't result as expected. In Austria-Hungary even though problems weren't that bad, the fact that the results of the revolution in France had been successful, was enough for them to demand changes. The changes that took place were thanks to Lajos Kossuth and the â€Å"March Laws†. In Germany as discussed before, some say that the German disturbances cant even be considered as a revolution. At the end only Agrarian reforms survived out of the many changes expected. Many protestors didn't receive anything from the revolution that took me to the conclusion that it wasn't successful at all. Finally we can see how the 1848 revolutions failed, and how changes and reforms were not enduring at all. As Trevely says: â€Å"1848 was the turning point at which modern history failed to turn†. However France was in a much better situation than all the other countries, and like in 1918 at the end of the WW1 they were capable of surviving ahead from the others.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Patriotism and National Pride Essay

Pride (without complacency and with an awareness of imperfections) is important in spurring individuals and a society on to greater achievement. The loss of faith in the achievements of the past, history and traditions can be an important factor in the decline of a culture or a civilization. a sense of national pride and purpose that enables residents in a particular area to rise above the divisions of race, politics, ideology, class and the like. It is patriotism that unites the people and enables them to rise above narrow sectarian and other interests. A sense of unashamed pride which does not degenerate into jingoism or imperialism is essential for the growth of individuals and the development of a nation. A sense of national pride has spurred achievements in science and technology (the space race), sport and in economic development. Pride in the past and patriotism (within bounds and without complacency) are essential to real human progress. Is Patriotism Dead? Many of our people will offer no salutes, feel no sense of pride, and pledge no allegiance to the flag. Some will not respond because of indifference or calloused hearts. Others will be working to tear the fabric of our national life to shreds; to worsen, not heal, our sickness; to destroy, not to build; to bring disunity, not unity, to the nation. For them, patriotism is dead; love of country is archaic. Has the time come for us to abolish what our forefathers created? Has their vision of liberty, justice, and happiness proved unattainable?Are we ready to say that the mythos, the heroes, and the folk tales that have bound us together as a people for almost two hundred years no longer enthrall us? Are we willing to forget our common heritage, dilute our sense of fraternity and destiny, and dissolve the cohesiveness that made us one? We are faced with grave and challenging problems in our national life. We see  many things we dislike, and can point to many injustices that have not yet yielded to truth and righteousness. But even as we acknowledge the defects we cannot forget the victories. The slaves have been freed; universal suffrage has become a reality; startling advances have been made to assure all our people of life and liberty as well as the right to pursue happiness. Indians need not gloss over the nation’s defects or sweep its failures under the rug. They need not claim that their country is always right. When it is right, they will support it; and when it is wrong, they will love it and work to correct it.The day that patriotism ceases, that day we will have ceased to be a people Patriotism is not dead; our nation is not finished. Let us rally behind our flag; let us love our country with all its faults; let us work to improve it with all our strength; let usdefend it with all our resources; let us hand it on to generations unborn better than it was when we received it; let us instill in our children the hope of our forefathers for the ultimate fulfillment of their dreams. But above all, let us tell them that the greatness of America lies not simply in the achievement of the ideal but in the unrelenting pursuit of it The feel of patriotism The nation celebrated its 60th year Independence recently. one can see the visual medium rolling out exclusive shorts as a mark of tribute to the heroes who fought for our Independence. It was a summit of sort, when one could see most of the big names summon together to play or sing the National Anthem. The minute one sees that visual, it is definite he/she could feel something happening within themselves. A look at the majestic flag gives a feeling that we are the citizens of the Independent India. For a second one could feel all the struggles, trials and tribulations our leaders in the past have undergone to obtain it. I was one among those who felt very proud that I am a citizen of Independent India and I was able to feel a sense of pride when I just took a look at the flag. But, my mind paused for a second to think how many of us are really patriotic? only a handful was the answer. Are the schools imparting enough amount of patriotism into the minds of the young ones during their school days. For the little ones, Independene day means nothing but a public holiday and a few choclates given at their  schools once the flag is hoisted. Beyond that, do the teachers feed the kids with the required information on freedom stuggle and the pioneers who fought for it? Nope. I felt sorry when a kid, pointing out to the portrait of a poet, whose writings worked wonders for the freedom struggle, asked who that man was? This is not a joke to laugh at but a matter to think about. Neither the teachers nor the elders at home make an effort to teach the young ones about those great leaders who were responsible for our Independence. Another incident in the bus in which I was travelling made me feel why on the first place we got Independence. The military rule suits us best. A man was smoking inside the bus, and a few women including myself, showed our objection for that. His immediate reply was, what is this? This is Independent India and I am not allowed to smoke here? This is strange! This is just a small dose of such incidents happening on a daily basis. everyone is sure to come across such incidents or characters. It is saddening to note that the world is heading towards destruction with such characters roaming about in the public. when will we get the sense of patriotism and realise the struggles underwent to obtain freedom is a million-dollar question. If this situation persists, it will not be shocking if the younger ones ask who is the father of the nation and who is Jawaharlal Nehru? what a plight that would descend on the Nation then? The structure of patriotism Every social group has its own notions of loyalty. The institution of family embeds loyalty to the family as a social group. When a son and his wife and children separate from the rest of the family or when brothers divide their property, the neighborhood reacts with sorrow and not glee. Caste associations emphasize the benefits which come from an active participation and cooperation between different members of the same caste. Tribal groups, too, emphasize similar benefits from collaboration. The notion of patriotism is different from such forms of group loyalty. The difference lies in its close affinity with the state. Patriotism is not based upon kinship or of shared descent like in families, castes and tribes. Patriotism is based upon the idea of a nation and its central institution, the state.Patriotism in modern India is thus qualitatively different from  the love of one’s community that was to be seen in ancient and medieval India. Its relation to one’s country has changed with the change in the social structure of the state and the nation. To a great extent the pre-modern states and countries were based upon the rule of one or a few social groups. The Gupta period was dominated by the Guptas and their kindred and allies. The Mughals saw the domination of the Mughal biradari, and their supporters who included the Turks, the Iranians and several other groups like the Rajputs. Modern India is based upon the ideology of equality of all. While there continue to be several hangovers of the past to be seen today, the basic character of the state and the nation have changed. Modern India is based upon the idea that all its citizens are equal and that its rulers represent the will of not just a few, but all of the different communities that make up this country. This nation is based upon different foundations than most of those which went before it. Its legitimacy lies in its being able to satisfy its various component communities that their interests will be safeguarded by the Indian state. Irrespective of the religion, caste, community, sex of the individual, the state is supposed to represent each and every of them. The modern nation has its appeal because of its being able to mediate between and reconcile often conflicting interests. The state is considered legitimate when it speaks with the same voice to all. It is the coming together of so many diverse groups which lends strength to the country. The strength of India lies in its being able to weld together a large and heterogeneous populace into a common force. Any country in modern times which seeks to progress and develop must find ways of attracting and retaining the loyalty of its constituent groups. In modern nations this is done by everybody voting to select their rulers and the creation of a bureaucracy based on selection through merit. A modern state, with its universal appeal to its people, has many advantages over the older kinds of nationhood and statehood, with their sectional support bases. The universalistic modern state is what the most powerful countries of the world have. It is through this social form that resources are used most efficiently and the diverse forces of a country focussed for the benefit of everybody. Patriotism in a modern country cannot be created on the basis of ideas that appeal to only partisan groups or some sections of society. The naked use of force to coerce acceptance of the nation is not a characteristic of a society based on reason and democracy. The content of patriotism in a modern country The transformed structure of patriotism leads to a change in the content of what patriotism would mean in everyday practice. Modern patriotism and nationhood is based upon symbols that all can share. By definition this excludes symbols that pit religion against religion. Patriotism in a modern country must be expressed through universal symbols. These are all around us and yet are ignored. The streets of a neighborhood are a truer symbol of nationhood than a place of worship. They are used by all and paid for by the contributions of all. Yet, they remain filthy while people pool money to build distant places of worship. When universal symbols are not altogether ignored here, they are attacked by all kinds of distortions. The symbols of the rich are enthroned as the symbols of the entire nation. The tragedy of the many poor who have been thrown out of their homes by big dams does not arouse us. The tragedy of the middle-class Kashmiri Pandits who were forced to leave their homes does. The latter are called refugees in their own homeland. The dispossessed adivasis and rural poor who did not have relatives that they could flee to in Delhi do not attract national sympathy. Nor do the Kashmiri Muslims who had to flee Kashmir, in spite of their outnumbering the Kashmiri Pandits. Clearly we are still in the process of moving towards modern nationhood. The model of modernity which Indians must aspire towards cannot be the same as that in the West. We are far too heterogeneous to ever become the kind of nation which fascist Germany once aspired to be. And our forms of production are still not capitalistic enough to become the kind of melting pot of identities which the USA was. We must define our own modernity. That universal framework of Indian reason must be the framework through which our  nationhood and patriotism must be defined. It must be a patriotism which seeks with Gandhiji the happiness of the poorest of the poor as the index of our national development. It must be a patriotism which sees the freedom of the smallest of the minorities as the index of our social development. It must be a patriotism which comes into action every day, through a conscience that sees lying to customers, exploiting labourers, cheating on tax, paying bribes, adding sand to cement, oppressing the poor, paying obeisance to the powerful, all these daily acts of betrayal of the people as treason. Every secular space in a modern country teaches a lesson of patriotism. But school education is a special area for our concern. It is here where most young people come together crossing the old boundaries of religion and caste. It is here where the new nation is being constructed. That makes it even more necessary to be cautious about the introduction of religious values in schools. The kind of values which we seek must be in tune with the universal appeal of our country. Where the values being taught emphasize freedom of thought and truths that are shared by all and not just a few. The modern idea of India is about equality and the transcendence of social barriers, not about narrow dividing walls. It is high time that we rethought our school experience to try and create a land where the patriot is she who risks her life to protect an unknown stranger, and where the traitor is he who kills his friend in the name of his god. Pride (without complacency and with an awareness of imperfections) is important in spurring individuals and a society on to greater achievement. The loss of faith in the achievements of the past, history and traditions can be an important factor in the decline of a culture or a civilization. a sense of national pride and purpose that enables residents in a particular area to rise above the divisions of race, politics, ideology, class and the like. It is patriotism that unites the people and enables them to rise above narrow sectarian and other interests. A sense of unashamed pride which does not degenerate into jingoism or imperialism is essential for the growth of individuals and the development of a nation. A sense of national pride has spurred achievements in science and technology (the space race), sport and in economic development. Pride in the past and patriotism (within bounds and  without complacency) are essential to real human progress. Is Patriotism Dead? Many of our people will offer no salutes, feel no sense of pride, and pledge no allegiance to the flag. Some will not respond because of indifference or calloused hearts. Others will be working to tear the fabric of our national life to shreds; to worsen, not heal, our sickness; to destroy, not to build; to bring disunity, not unity, to the nation. For them, patriotism is dead; love of country is archaic. Has the time come for us to abolish what our forefathers created? Has their vision of liberty, justice, and happiness proved unattainable? Are we ready to say that the mythos, the heroes, and the folk tales that have bound us together as a people for almost two hundred years no longer enthrall us? Are we willing to forget our common heritage, dilute our sense of fraternity and destiny, and dissolve the cohesiveness that made us one? We are faced with grave and challenging problems in our national life. We see many things we dislike, and can point to many injustices that have not yet yielded to truth and righteousness. But even as we acknowledge the defects we cannot forget the victories. The slaves have been freed; universal suffrage has become a reality; startling advances have been made to assure all our people of life and liberty as well as the right to pursue happiness.Indians need not gloss over the nation’s defects or sweep its failures under the rug. They need not claim that their country is always right. When it is right, they will support it; and when it is wrong, they will love it and work to correct it. The day that patriotism ceases, that day we will have ceased to be a people Patriotism is not dead; our nation is not finished. Let us rally behind our flag; let us love our country with all its faults; let us work to improve it with all our strength; let us defend it with all our resources; let us hand it on to generations unborn better than it was when we received it; let us instill in our children the hope of our forefathers for the ultimate fulfillment of their dreams. But above all, let us tell them that the  greatness of America lies not simply in the achievement of the ideal but in the unrelenting pursuit of it.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Marketing channels & supply chain Management MBA (Masters Level) Essay

Marketing channels & supply chain Management MBA (Masters Level) - Essay Example The channel functions, concentration and dispersion, are related to the homogeneity and heterogeneity of supply, and the appropriate sorting process must be provided. Successive channel stages should be attempted to overcome any discrepancy between product assortment and market requirements (Christopher, 2005). Customer requirements of one or two units are at variance with supplier requirements of mass production. From a micro point of view, a firm's distribution decisions are designed to combine, supplement, or modify those of other firms, in order to form channels of distribution that the most effective. Since markets are dynamic, the opportunity for new combinations is continuously available. Channels are thus used by companies to overcome barriers. These barriers include the separation of time and space between producers and markets, the costs of moving goods, the communications barriers between producers and users of products, and the separation of demand (Christopher, 2005). From a macro point of view, channels change slowly. New distribution outlets tend to complement, rather than replace, existing ones. Supermarket chains, for example, do not eliminate the independent merchants; discount houses do not eliminate department stores; and integrated manufacturers do not eliminate wholesalers (Stroh, 2006). Rather, they enrich the alternative channels available, are modified in turn, and settled into a niche in the distribution structure. Since markets represent diverse wants and needs, the channels necessary to serve them will continue to be diverse. Customers and products are separated in time, space, and ownership. The conduct of human activities presupposes the availability of an appropriate assortment of goods and services. Channels of distribution bridge the separations and support our life style. In a broad sense, channels are composed of middlemen and facilitating agencies, wholesalers, retailers, financial institutions, and transportation agencies (Kotler and Armstrong 2008). Channels allow companies to add value to their products (Stroh, 2006). For instance, channels allow such companies as Ford and Toyota, McDonald's and Wendy restaurants to change their pricing decisions and promotion campaigns (Kotler and Armstrong 2008). A product can have various combinations of packages, brands, labels, tastes, and appearances; it can come in various shapes, colors, sizes, and materials, and be offered with numerous services and privileges. Channels help these companies promote products through various channels, to be sold at varying prices, discounts, and markups. These decisions integrate physical handling, transportation storing, sorting, and distribution of goods in a systematic and effective manner. The overall function of distribution channels is the concentration and dispersion of products in relation to market needs (Kotler and Armstrong 2008). Distribution channels concern the kinds and number of middlemen required to get products and services to the market. The challenge to management is to construct systematic links amongst institutions in order to achieve a coherent pipeline capable of moving goods and their title to markets. 2. Basically, the choice is one of direct or indirect distribution. In the latter case,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

E-retailing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

E-retailing - Assignment Example In 1997, Auto-by-Tel successfully sold their millionth car over the internet. As well, CommerceNet/Nielsen Media stated that they have attained more than 10 million people on the Web. According to Jupiter research the e-tailing has raised to $37 billion by 2002. Moreover, the e-tailing has also allowed the growth of e-tailware, software tools for producing online catalogs as well as dealing with business associates by performing e-tailing. In this scenario, a new movement is the price assessment sites that are able to rapidly compare prices from a number of dissimilar e-tailers as well as establish a connection between you and them (Schappell, 2000). This report will present a detailed analysis of a company that is specialized in e-retailing of business. This report will present a comprehensive analysis of some of main areas and aspects of the business’s e-retailing enhancement and establishment of more effective strategy for the potential management of business in a much better way. For this report I have chosen Maplin Electronics business. In this scenario, the main idea is about developing an expanded internet shopping capability for Maplin Electronics company website. Business Overview I have selected Maplin Electronics Corporation, which needs to improve its web based business and also create a better opportunity for the possible expansion in overall business and working arrangements. Maplin Electronics is one of the UK’s major corporate retailers of consumer electronics. Maplin Electronics business comprises a complete national network of 185 stores those are the main goldmine of valuable consumer technologies and gadgets. Maplin Electronics offers a variety of products including communication, cables, computing, components, music, home & car, power, TV & Satellite systems also Sat Navigational tools (Maplin Electronics2, 2011). In addition, Maplin Electronics is specialized in consumer electronics areas. Maplin Electronics is proud to present the most excellent and the majority informed customer recommendations on the high street. Additionally, the business encompasses a huge team of over 2,000 customer service support officers that facilitate thousands o f customers to make informed selections regarding technology purchases each and every day; from technology fans to the entire novices. Moreover, this business was initiated by two technology devotees in 1972 who were irritated by the lack of high-quality electronics products and components. Soon after the establishment of the business the Maplin Electronics rapidly turned out to be the experts’ preference, with a standing for the most excellent product variety and skills. In fact, Maplin Electronics Corporation has developed with high speed since launching over 30 years ago, its standing as the United Kingdom’s simply true experts in consumer electronics is yet at the heart of Maplin Electronics nowadays (Maplin Electronics2, 2011). Furthermore, Maplin Electronics Corporation allows its customers to buy products from more than 185 stores located in United Kingdom and Ireland. Maplin Electronics also allows its custom

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Enjoying the Hobby of Collecting Machineguns Essay

Enjoying the Hobby of Collecting Machineguns - Essay Example The machine gun has had a checkered history and was invented in the mid nineteenth century by Dr. Richard Jordon Gatling, whose weapon came to be known as the Gatling gun. He patented his invention in 1861. The Gatling gun was the first rapid firing gun and can be rightly called the ancestor of the modern machine gun. Dr Gatling said â€Å" it occurred to me that if I could invent a machine-a gun- which could by its rapidity of fire, enable , one man to do as much battle duty as a hundred, that it would to a large extent supersede the necessity of large armies and consequently , exposure to battle and disease would be greatly decreased.†2 People have been collecting guns all over the world for decades. It is akin to people collecting swords. But now a new hobby has emerged of collecting machine guns. In most countries in the world, owning a machine gun is illegal, but in the United States 34 states of the union, it is legal for citizens to own and shoot with machine guns. In case you wish to start a hobby as a machine gun collector than please insure that the state you reside allows you to own a machine gun as many states like Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, New York, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Washington State and the district of Columbia, have a total ban on privately owned machine guns. However despite the above a quarter of a million Americans own machine guns. The National Firearms Act 1934 is the nodal act that governs collection of Machine Guns for any purpose or as a hobby. Before 1934, there was no bar on owning machine guns, but the NFA passed in 1934 made it mandatory to register the weapon with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Fire arms (BATF)3.. Machine guns by and large have never been used in a crime as the procedure for owning a machine gun is very stringent. It must be noted that machine guns cannot be purchased across the counter and a lengthy period from 60to180

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) characteristics and uses Assignment

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) characteristics and uses - Assignment Example DNA sequence determination of the mDNA has been from many organisms including the extinct ones, and the comparison of the sequences outlines the mainstay of phylogenetics. The researchers have therefore been able to elucidate various evolutionary relationships within species. Additionally, the analysis of the relatedness of the populations among organisms has been ascertained and has become vital in the field of anthropology. The human mitochondrion DNA as an example, is commonly present per every cell except in sex cells as elucidated by Brown, George & Wilson, 1979, and is closely related to that of metazoans. The circular double-strand molecule of mDNA has about 15000 to 17000 base pairs and the nucleotide content differentiates the two strands. In animals, the transcribed strand produces molecules of polycistronic RNA. In replication process, the mDNA is replicated by the gamma complex of the enzyme DNA polymerase that is composed of 140 kDa of the catalytic section of the enzyme encoded by the gene POLG and two accessory subunits of 55 kDa encoded by POLG2 gene. During the process of embryogenesis, the mDNA replication is down because it is regulated from the oocyte that is fertilized through the embryo that is pre-implanted. At the stage of blastocyst, Anderson et al, 1981, further exemplifies that onset of the replication of the mDNA is specific to the trophectoderm cells. In contrast, the replication of mDNA is restricted by the inner cell mass cell until they receive signals making them differentiate to specific cell types. In the susceptibility concept, the mDNA does not necessarily accumulate many oxidative base damages than the nuclear DNA. As a result, some other types of the oxidative DNA damage are more efficiently repaired in the mitochondria than in the nucleus. The presence of proteins in the organelle further offers protection just as in the nuclear chromatin. The integrity of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Report -- financial investment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Report -- financial investment - Essay Example he company stood at 39,848 Million, which included 4,135 Million liquidity which is a good prospect for a shareholder as the company has good available liquidity. The company also has enough cash to pay off its short term liabilities. The company had a good prospect to pay off its short term and current liabilities. The sales of the company was spread all over the world and carried less amount of bad debts which also gave strength to its debtors turnover. The current ratio of the company is 1.44, with current Assets amounting to 12,571 and current liabilities 8,756. The company has a substantial cover over its current liabilities and has enough current assets to overcome the current liabilities. The industry’s average current ratio is 1.08, which gives an indication that Pepsi is well off compared to the other companies. The company carries 8,759 quick assets to cover current liabilities worth of 8,756 which gives a quick ratio of 1. (Co.) The current assets of the company amount to 17,551 while the current liabilities stand at 13,721. It makes the current ratio stand at 1.28. This specifies that the company has adequate current assets to pay off their current obligations. (Stock-Analysis, 2010) However, the quick assets make up 12,971 of the current assets which are less than the current liabilities. This may create difficulty for the company when it pays off its current liabilities. (Cola) The profitability ratios, i.e. the Return on Assets and the Return on Equity for the company amount to 14.92% and 35.38% respectively. (Stock-Analysis) The similar rations for the industry stand at 4.14% and 11.9% respectively which gives Pepsi Inc an upper hand as it has utilized its assets and equity very efficiently. The company generated a Return on Assets and Return on Equity equal to 14.72% and 27.52% respectively which is well over the industry norms. The company generated a profit of 6,824, which is 1,000 more than the profit of the company last year and 800

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Wage and Price Rigidity or Stickiness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Wage and Price Rigidity or Stickiness - Essay Example It does not affect the real flow of output but rather, surprises and stabilizes the economy. It implies that in a place where the population has rational expectations, government policies which are made to influence the economy into a level of production will never be effective. Rational expectations first became a big factor in the policy activism debate in the early 1970s when Thomas Sargent and Neil Wallace wrote their famous policy ineffectiveness paper. They showed-using an elementary macroeconomic example based on Robert Lucas's then new model of the Phillips curve-that an active monetary policy could not be effective in stabilizing fluctuations in output and employment. (Taylor) Implicit wage contracts is when workers are risk averse and employers are not, an implicit contract may be made with an understanding over "compromise" basic pay and hours. This may or may not generate nominal wage rigidity. Contracts like this may be non-implementable if there is asymmetric informatio n. Nominal price rigidity () tests for downward nominal price rigidity. Intuition: deflationary shock, some prices not cut as there is a zero price floor; across sectors "we would expect to observe a negative correlation between mean inflation rates and the skewness of inflation". (2005) Once the place and manner of nominal wage rigidities in the economy have been specified, the model must explain why rational workers and firms enter into arrangements which may impose a macroeconomic externality and allow the economy to deviate from the natural level of output. (pg 7) Because it is advantageous for firms to enter into long-term agreements on the price of their purchased input factors, there is also price rigidity in the input factors markets. Moreover, the commonly used procedure of firms to adjust their output price in constant proportion to changes in the price of input materials and labour costs - the notion of markup pricing - will result in rigid output prices as well. (pg 9) According to Piere Siklos, policy ineffectiveness proposition predicts the absence of an exploitable output-aggregate demand trade-off by policymakers. Therefore, when individuals are assumed to form expectations rationally (that is, they process all relevant information at their disposal), only unanticipated policies can influence output. (249) Dennis W. Carlton and Jeffrey M. Perloff (2000) quoted Stigler (1947) that prices are relatively rigid in an industry in which there is a dominant firm that exercises price leadership. That is, there are relatively few changes in prices. In his classification, an industry has price leadership if there is a relatively large firm, "producing, say, 40 per cent of the output of the industry at a minimum, and more if the second largest firm is large ..." (p. 228). Just before the new Keynesian model was formulated, it was believed that the formulation of government policies does not have any direct effect on wages and prices in the market unless a surprise monetary policy was released and discloses the economic status in a short wile. It was also believed

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Using Social Psychology as an Informed Clinician Essay

Using Social Psychology as an Informed Clinician - Essay Example For most psychologists who have seen patterns of behaviors, making conclusions regarding their hypotheses may be easy with the knowledge derived from research. Such knowledge may be very helpful to counselors and clinicians in understanding client problems, as these are backed up by intensive study. What is the effect of people on other people? How do various situations affect human behavior? These are questions psychological researchers have attempted to answer in the past decades. Subjects ranged from young children to very old people. Bandura, Ross & Ross (1961) have explored how children respond to aggressive models and have concluded that such models greatly influence children’s aggressive behaviors. In the absence of supervision that may hinder the natural behavior of children, those exposed to aggression apply their observations of aggression to a bobo doll. Clinicians may use this information to inform their clients how powerful their behaviors are in influencing their children’s behavioral and personality development. Aggression is not the only thing that children can imitate from adults. Expressions, mannerisms, behaviors, value systems, and a whole lot more may readily be absorbed by children as much as aggressive behaviors discussed in Bandura et alâ⠂¬â„¢s study. Clinicians involved in the therapy of children can use this information to guide parents to be good role models to their children. Likewise, children exhibiting unlikely adult behaviors may be probed on how adults around them have been influencing their behaviors. Sessions with those adults, then, may be arranged too. Consciously or not, other people’s behaviors have an effect on ours. People subjected to intimidation may readily yield to pressure. The classic experiment of Stanley Milgram (1963) on obedience is one study that has created much controversy in the science of Psychology. The uncomfortable experimental

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Impact of the Risk on Tiger Golfs Efficiency and Product Quality Case Study

Impact of the Risk on Tiger Golfs Efficiency and Product Quality - Case Study Example This paper illustrates that in addition to the probability and impact of each risk, Magness should determine the risk proximity for each identified risk. This approach would enable Magness and his team to avoid certain risks whose timing may be predicted or anticipated with a reasonable degree of accuracy. Supplier 1 poses some unique risks for Tiger Golf. These risks relate to both product quality and timeliness. The new product line represents the proprietary and intellectual capital of the company. However, as Supplier 1 produces successful knock-offs of golf clubs, there is a risk of lost revenue if the supplier produces replicas of the Tiger Golf line of golf clubs. Secondly, delivery is made FOB Origin and Port Kelang after which the cost and risk during transit would be borne by Tiger Golf. This would expose the company to the risk of damage in transit and delay. Risk of delay further increases because of the transit through the congested Malacca Straits. Moreover, there is a moderate risk of piracy in waters near Indonesia. Supplier 2 presents the risk of product loss and damage because of the lengthy overland distribution route. Disruption at any point in the distribution chain could lead to delays in product delivery causing the company to fail to launch the product at the PGA merchandise show due in six months. Trucks and rails transporting the goods could break down resulting in equipment malfunction and further delays. Supplier 3 poses the risk of supply chain interruption due to a capacity shortage. A delivery delay may also arise due to port congestion. Nonetheless, they promise to meet deadlines.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The play A Doll House Essay Example for Free

The play A Doll House Essay A Doll House Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From the play, A doll house, it is clear that there is imbalance of power between Nora and her husband Helmer. The husband goes to work and earns for the family while the wife is left at home to do the chores. This brings about the theme of gender inequality. It is also clear that the writer puts more emphasis on the looks of Nora than those of her husband; this shows how the society views men and women differently. The husband is also displayed as being questionable about how the wife is spending the money on gifts even without considering that its Christmas time and they can now afford it from the salary he is getting. If Nora had not been that beautiful, may be Helmer would not have married her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The writer of this book emphasizes much on gender inequality, there is also the aspect of the very many lies that couple keep in their marriages in order to keep them alive which in most of the cases end up being the reason for the separation. There is also the aspect of man eat man society, Krogstad uses Nora in order to retain his job threatening her for a favor he had done a long time ago. At the end of the play, Nora feels her husband had taken her like a doll only to be admired for its beauty and that he did not trust her and therefore she left.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The economic factors have really affected the society in a doll house especially the women to an extent of their ideas and choices about their marriages.  Nora illegally borrowed money for the trip that she and Torvald took to Italy; she told Torvald that the money had come from her father. For years, Nora reveals, she has worked and saved in secret, slowly repaying the debt, and soon it will be fully repaid. This money was borrowed through Krogstad’s help and when Helmer wanted to sack him,he asks Nora to use her influence to ensure that his position remains secure. When she refuses, Krogstad points out that he has in his possession a contract that contains Nora’s forgery of her father’s signature. Their conversation reveals that the two had been once deeply in love, but Mrs. Linde left Krogstad for a wealthier man who would enable her to support her family. She tells Krogstad that now that she is free of her own fa milial obligations and wishes to be with Krogstad and care for his children. References Ibsen, Henrik, Rolf Fjelde, CalistaFlockhart, Tony Abatemarco, Tim DeKay, Jeannie Elias, Gregory Itzin, JoBeth Williams, Rosalind Ayres, and Susan A. Loewenberg.  A Doll House. Venice, Calif.: L.A. Theatre Works, 2012. Internet resource. Source document

A Prime Example of Authoritative Parenting Essay Example for Free

A Prime Example of Authoritative Parenting Essay Parental styles have a well-documented influence on children, and play a strong role in a child’s development. Authoritative parenting has been proven to potentially reduce a child’s risk of associating with antisocial peers, and deter engagement in delinquent behavior. Authoritative parenting has also been shown to raise adults that have healthy emotional adjustment and prosocial behavior. My parents used an authoritative parenting style that created a stable, engaging, warm and nurturing childhood for me. I plan on being an authoritative parent. It worked well in my family, and because research both contemporary and historically states that authoritative parenting is the preferable style. My family is an American nuclear family composed of a father, mother and two siblings. My father Jim is a very successful architect and entrepreneur and my mother Michele is the CFO of their businesses, which allowed her to be a stay at home mother for me and my older brother Kristopher. My parents are a solid example of the authoritative parenting style; their parenting style created a stable, engaging, warm and nurturing childhood for me. I believe the productive and effective business relationship they developed as business partners directly influenced how well they parented, and that their experience in joint decision making especially benefited their parenting, and ultimately me as well. Throughout my childhood and adolescence they were a solid authoritative parenting team, which helped them create a home with a lot of structure. Minuchin, as quoted by Omer, Steinmetz, Carthy and Schlippe (2013), says â€Å"Structure plays a crucial role in promoting a stable and secure frame for family life (Minuchin, 1974).† I strongly feel that the structure positively affected my development by minimizing conflict and confusion. I believe my parent’s personalities also greatly influenced why and how they are authoritative parents. My mother is intelligent, articulate, willful, persistent, ethical, logical, and astonishingly organized. My mother has a dominate personality, and is a woman whose actions are generally the result of reason not her emotions, which is rare for women. However, she is an incredibly warm and nurturing mother who has always been emotionally available for me. I feel these positive traits influenced why I generally listened to her advice and direction, as she was a reliable and available mother. I have always immensely respected and loved

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Portrayal Of Vampires In Literature

Portrayal Of Vampires In Literature His face was a strong, a very strong, aquiline, with high bridge of the thin nose and peculiarly arched nostrils, with lofty domed forehead, and hair growing scantily round the temples but profusely elsewhere. The mouth, so far as I could see it under the heavy moustache, was fixed and rather cruel-looking, with peculiarly sharp white teeth (Stoker, 1897). For many centuries this crude, bloodcurdling image prevailed what is now known to us as the blood sucking vampire. This description of Dracula, as illustrated by Bram Stoker in 1897, compares nowhere near the handsome, romantic, and charming figure vampires have become in modern day film and literature. Yet what is most interesting, in a rather peculiar way, is to see the irony of such a thoughtless creature becoming a prevalent reflection of modern culture; their unchanging, dead existence representing the ever-changing situations of our conscious and unconscious fears. This essay will seek to critically analyse two well known lit erary texts portraying vampires. Through the description of the vampires appearance, role, function and purpose and the several motifs and cultural myths such portrayals and images are drawn upon, this essay hopes to provide several reasons for the human fascination of such creatures and further suggest vampires represent several cultural beliefs and actions implemented by human society. An obscure sort of figure and a likely representation of both erotic anxiety and corrupt desire, the literary vampire is one of the most powerful archetypes bequeathed to us from the imagination of the nineteenth century (Gordon Hollinger, 1997). Yet, interestingly as times change it seems each age embraces the vampire it needs (Gordon Hollinger, 1997). Prior to the 1970s, the ideal vampire was a portrayal of Bram Stockers Dracula; the captivating, cultured, yet evil Eastern European Count. Since then, as a result of numerous novel publications, including Anne Rices Vampire Chronicles and Stephanie Meyers Twilight, the illustration of the vampire has changed, due to the ongoing transformations in the broader cultural and political mise-en-scene (Gordon Hollinger, 1997). It is mainly through certain motifs and cultural beliefs, both of the past and present, in which the figure of the vampire has transformed. As a prominent figure of time, vampires have represented metaphors for sex uality and power. As of late, while still powerful and appealing, vampires have become a symbol for alienation, choice, societys attitudes towards illness, their definition of evil, and can also act as representations for individual obsession, free agency, self-control, sacrifice and faith. Anne Rices Interview with the Vampire (1976) and Stephenie Meyers Twilight (2008), are just two texts incorporating the fascination of the vampire. However, the texts present several differences; each utilising contrasting ideas in the illustration, function, roles, and purpose of the vampire. Anne Rices Interview with the Vampire accounts the life of a 200-year-old vampire, Louis du Pointe du Pac. Turned into a vampire at the age of 25 by Lestat, Louis story gives audiences two representations of the vampire. Rice steers away from the old portrayal of the creature, captivating this through Louis and Claudia, while also using Lestat as an illustration of the evil, crude, and self-centred vampire. Lestat and Louis are two different vampires; in their appearance, their function, their roles, and their purpose. Louis is the good vampire; humane, genuine and honest. Depicted as beautiful, with utterly white and smooth(Rice,1976) skin, his face a seemingly inanimate as a statue, except fo r two brilliant green eyes( Rice,1976), his hair black, the waves combed back over the tips of the ears(Rice,1976), his shoulders broad(Rice,1976), his figure tall and slender (Rice,1976), his lips silken and delicately lined like any persons lips, only deadly white(Rice,1976), Louis is the image of a different vampire from the one normally envisioned. Lestat, on the other hand is described little in the novel. He is however the opposite to Louis. Illustrated in this book as being 6ft tall with curly blond hair and grey eyes, a short and narrow nose and a mouth that is slightly large for his face(Rice, 1976)), Lestat is charming, attractive and charismatic, but evil. Throughout the novel, Louis relives the moments of how he became indoctrinated, unwillingly, into the vampire way of life (Rice, 2010). He also describes his longing to not hurt but rather to comfort Claudia, who is his only friend and his life. He somewhat becomes a father figure to her, taking it upon himself to care and love her with the last breaths of humanity he has inside (Rice, 2010). Both Louis and Claudia struggle to understand themselves, their purpose, their hatred of Lestat and both become desperate to find somewhere they belong, to find others who understand (Rice, 2010). This is in contrast to Lestat who believes vampires are killers Predators. Whose all seeing eyes see a human life in its entirety, not with any mawkish sorrow but with a thrilling satisfaction in being the end of that life, in having a hand in the divine plan(Rice, 2010). He believes his life has no purpose, a least none that involves being honest and caring, but rather a killer and a monster. Similarly, Twilight, a novel written by Stephenie Meyer, further illustrates the idea set by Anne Rice in her novel. When Bella Swan moves back to her childhood home in order to be with her father, she discovers some things that she never thought were possible. She meets the very mysterious Edward Cullen, who while irresistible and charming, has a certain past which he would rather keep hidden. Determined to find out his dark secret, Bella befriends Edward and the two become close. What she does not realise is that the closer she gets to him, the more she is putting herself and those around her at risk (Meyer, 2008). Although Edward warns her on several occasions that he is not the good guy he seems to be, soon Bella puts together the pieces and comes to the evident conclusion that is a vampire. Meyers vampires are in certain ways very different from Anne Rices image in Interview with the vampire. While chalky pale, palest of all the students(Meyer, 2008), with dark eyes(Meyer, 2008) yet all their features were straight, perfect and angular(Meyer, 2008), their faces all similar, yet different; devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful(Meyer, 2008), as Louis in Rices story, the Cullens are humanised with features most cannot resist. To add to the already humanistic vampire image, Meyer also gives her characters gifts above and beyond the norm (Meyer, 2008). In subtle ways these gifts represent their role and function, and as Edward explains their strongest human traits (Meyer, 2008). Each character brings their gift for good; Edward with his ability to read minds, Alice with her gift to see the future, Carlisle brings his compassion, Esme her ability to love, Emmett his strength, Rosalie her tenacity and Jasper his ability to control peoples feelings and emotions. As with the characteristics of the vampires, Meyer challenges the image of the old vampire by means of changing their purpose. Part of the story revolves around what is means to be a vampire. Constantly, Edwa rd is reluctant to befriend Bella as he still believes deep down he is not superhero, but rather the bad guy. He struggles with his existence, describing himself as the worlds best predator, dangerous (Meyer, 2008) and even at one point he confesses to Bella of his struggle to keep himself from killing, to control his thirst for blood. He does still however feel, as any human, revealing to Bella numerous times he cannot live with himself if he killed her(Meyer, 2008), sounding in a way confused and saddened at the prospect. It is important to also mention the Cullen philosophy. It is explained through Edwards father, Carlisle Cullen that their kind are not killers. Carlisle rebelled against being a vampire, he went to great lengths to destroy himself (Meyer, 2008), fighting hard to resist drinking other peoples blood and looking for an alternative to being the vile monster he feared(Meyer, 2008), finding a way to exist without being evil (Meyer, 2008). Both Interview with the Vampire and Twilight, utilise several motifs, metaphors, and cultural beliefs to illustrate the existence, images, and purpose of vampires. The vampire can in several ways, provide a metaphor for sexuality and power, but can also represent alienation inflicted by society, societys attitude towards illness, its definition of good and evil and can even reinforce individual feelings of obsession, free agency and choice, self-control, sacrifice and faith. Present in both texts, however more profoundly in Anne Rices novel, the original representation of the vampiric metaphors, images and purpose related to sexuality and societys attitudes towards illness are explored. It is interesting to see the close similarities between the idea of death from a vampires bite and the death by disease, associating to a vampires wasting, with paleness, with blood flow from the mouth, night restlessness and alternate burning and chills (Gordon Hollinger, 1997). Interview with the Vampire is of the two texts more inclined to present audiences with the vampire-as-a-disease metaphor, coincidently incorporating cultural events and beliefs present in America at the time. Rice utilises the metaphor to illustrated societys awareness of AIDS and homosexuality. This changing metaphor of sex and violence leads to the homoeroticism of Least and Louis' (Grey,2003) relationship, encouraging mainstream audiences to accept this new way of society and accept homoeroti c protagonists with fewer qualms that normally evincible (Grey,2003). It also uses sexuality to reinforce the image of the old vampires seduction, its ability to attract both men and women, and of the vampire taking the life of its victims. Twilight however, while describing Edward as attractive and mesmerising, it is important to note the metaphor of a vampire being a crude creature is not heavily present in this novel. Instead, Meyer uses the vampires as metaphors for kindness and sincerity, even in some respect using Edward as a figure of goodness and love. Their romance, cosmically disproportionate, is a parable or transparency of the inequalities and responsibilities of the divine-human synergy (Granger, 2009). Edwards love for Bella is forever unchanging and respectful, while Bellas love for him in return is selfless and sacrificial. Written from a religious point of view, the choices which both Edward and Bella make support the idea of free agency; the power for humans to mak e their own decisions and at the same time be responsible for these choices. Both of them pay the consequences for their choices, whether good or bad. In earlier vampire literature, it is important to note vampires were considered related to the Devil. Very few people befriended such creatures, rather using certain symbols to eliminate them. As a result, the belief of faith and religion can be related to the figure of the vampire. The most common for victory were few: armed with crucifixes, wooden stakes, holy water, garlic and occasionally fire and sunlight, good always prevailed (Gordon Hollinger, 1997). Before long anything capable to fend off the vampire, meant those against them possessed great faith. This implied that symbols of faith, when handled by those of less-than-perfect or non-existent faith, might prove ineffective. (Gordon Hollinger, 1997) As in the 1960s and 70s, culture took on a secular view of the world, victims died because of their lack of faith. But as society quickly confronted its loss of faith, vampires lost their ability of their magical arsenal (Gordon Hollinger, 1997). Little is seen of a vampires ab ility to transform into bats and wolves, to crawl on surfaces and disappear in a puff of smoke. And as Louis explains in Rices novel, no such myths exist any longer. The more contemporary vampire exhibits little of the metaphysical, magical, anti-Christian act, but rather his/her own acts are expressions of individual personality and condition (Gordon Hollinger, 1997). This decrease in focus on the vampires metaphysical and religious status supports a loss in the past folkloric characteristics of the vampire. The change from the metaphoric Anti-Christ to secular sinner, from magical to mundane permeates the appearance of and indeed, permits the existence of good as well as bad (Gordon Hollinger, 1997) vampires. And as Edward states in Twilight just because weve been dealt a certain hand it doesnt mean we cant choose to rise above- to conquer the boundaries of destiny that none of us wanted. To try to retain whatever essential humanity we can. (Meyer, 2008) Many argue the contemporary vampire story often represents the very intriguing condition of what we now known as postmodernism, this idea of good and evil. And what better example than the most central motif present in Anne Rices novel. Lestat represents the vampire of the postmodern era; he dismisses any faith, except faith in himself. On the other hand, Louis is the vampire which struggles against becoming the postmodern, evil creature, taking his loss of faith as an illustration for his loss of humanity. The book also portrays Louis as being aware of the question of good and evil, of struggling to accept Lestats philosophy and belief. Claudia also finds herself in a situation where she is caught between two different examples of what a vampire could be and as a result becomes determined to find out the origin of her existence. Good and evil also appears a central theme within Twilight. Meyer uses the Cullens as the good vampires, who harm no one, and James and Victoria as the bloo dsuckers and murderers. On a more personal level, Edward battles between good (his human desire to not harm) and evil (the fact that he is a vampire) suggesting an example of a conscious and human thought process. Thus, it is not what you are born as or what you are made to be that defines your existence, but rather what choices you make based on your own ideas and identity. The vampire today has transformed from an figure of super evil to being simply an alien other, no longer embodying metaphysical evil, no longer a damned soul (Gordon Hollinger, 1997), but rather an metaphor for our awareness of multiculturalism merely ethnic, a victim of heredity (Zanger, 1997 in GH). Both Interview with the Vampire and Twilight depict vampires as outsiders. In Twilight Bella describes her feelings towards this alienation, feeling pity towards the Cullens, pity because, as beautiful as they were, they were outsiders, clearly not accepted (Meyer, 2008). The idea of being alone is also evident in Edwards distance from his family and his school friends. While his brothers and sisters have moved on and formed close relationships, he remained alone. Incidentally, vampires are forced to live away from society in order to keep their existence a secret. Interview with the Vampire also suggests Louis and Lestat are not accepted within society, constantly being illustrated as outcasts, needing acceptance from society but it seeming as if this acceptance can only be found in another of his kind. This theme speaks to almost every individual, as almost everyone has felt alone or alienated at some point in their lives and illustrates societys attitudes towards certain groups of people. Sacrifice, self-control and obsession are several other themes which vampires represent in both texts. Sacrifice is a dominant theme throughout Twilight. While Bella sacrifices everything to be with Edward, it is Edward who makes a decision to be with Bella, to trust her and her intention of keeping his secret. He sacrifices his secret to be with Bella, and while he may be at a loss, his sacrifice can be seen as acceptable when it may be a free choice to gain something greater. Again, the same takes place in Interview with the Vampire, when Louis makes a decision to leave Lestat and sacrifice his life to take care of Claudia and to find more of his existence. Self-control is equally evident in both of the texts. Self-control is very important in Twilight, as it is closely linked to free agency. In order to have free-agency, the Cullens must have self-control, and as a result self-control is in this case a way of overcoming their instinct and a way to create ones wanted life and princ iples. Vampires in both of the texts are not saints, but just like real people they have flaws. And just like real people, they are under the driving force of obsession. Bellas love for Edward, Louis cling to humanity and Lestats belief to kill goes beyond reason, beyond practically. In a way all of these attributes apply to society today, from the ways we make choices, to the sacrifices we make for those we love and our obsessions with love, humanity, and death. The literary vampire has entertained and captured audiences for many years, changing but never completely disappearing. For it is evident every ages does seem to embrace the vampire is needs (Gordon Hollinger, 1997), guiding us along our paths of socialisation, separations and individualisation. Whether the fears are personal, societal, internal, or external, the vampiric metaphor transforms as time passes. The themes of sexual desire, disease, political and social indifference, religion, alienation, good versus evil, and many more represent the vampire figure. All of the themes discussed mirror our current views of boundaries between individuals and society, between one group and the rest. How intriguing it is to see that such social anxieties and personal beliefs are represented through such a creature, one that breaks boundaries between life and death, good and evil, love and fear. And how interesting it is, that the vampire lives on in this modern society of constant conflict, b etween what is real and what is not, between what is private and what is public, in such a way as helping to dissolve the numerous conflicts and the fixed boundaries by means of representation and example. Vampires encourage creative thought and emotional stability, they act as beings we would all rather be, even examples of how we should be. Providing us with a desire to be good rather than evil, vampires have captured the imagination of the twenty-first century. Like flowers perfuming our dreams and beliefs, vampire will continue to capture us with anticipation and dread for years to come.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Life Changing Ideas in Harper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird :: essays research papers

Would you read a book that could change the way people lived their lives, but was against what people thought? How would you feel if you were the one writing the book? Would you go against the grain just to get your point across? Well Harper Lee did. She wrote To Kill A Mockingbird, to get a point across and in doing so she changed the way people think about everyday life. Nelle Harper Lee studied law for a short time, and then in 1961 the book To Kill A Mockingbird was published. She grew up in the small town of Monroeville, Alabama. Although she never said all her life experiences were incorporated into the book. By doing so she based her opinion through the thoughts and words of a young girl in the novel, known as Scout. Scout also grows up in a small town in the book, called Maycomb. In these small towns during the time in which the book was written, the white people of the community were put above all others. The blacks of the time were looked down upon, and considered the lowest of them all. In Maycomb this was no exception such is the case when the town, ?would go along with them on the assumption-the evil assumption-that all Negroes lie, that all Negroes are basically immoral beings, that all Negro men are not to be trusted (217) Also in such small towns everybody knows everyone, and because of such tight quarters all others a re branded as outsiders, and are distant from the community, which leads people to ask, ?If there's just one kind of folks, why can't they get along with each other? If they're all alike, why do they go out of their way to despise each other(240) Being involved or talking with these ?outsiders? was dishonorable. By writing the book Harper Lee did just that and went against what society is saying. In the book she speaks of being the outsider, rape, prejudice, and violence, even through talk about these things is shameful, she wanted to get her point across. She wanted people to know that ?it's a sin to kill a mockingbird`Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Executive Summary of AcuScan :: essays research papers

Executive Summary This is a summary on the current situation at AcuScan concerning the development of the iScanner for use in the retail industry. It will summarize the situation, discuss key points and recommend actions that can be taken to address the issues described. The main problem is that we have failed to improve or maintain market share through the development of new products. Because our overall 40% market share is declining, the company faces declining revenues based on the sales of the iScanner. Despite making tremendous cost-cutting efforts, AcuScan is still in a short-term budget crisis. To regain our position as a market leader, AcuScan must develop the software for using the iScanner in retail industry by the year’s end. Secur-A Corp is reported to be in the process of developing similar software, so we must act quickly. Creating a new product, while at the same time making budget cuts, has created an internal crisis among the staff. The Chief Engineer of Product Software is especially adamant about not being able to get the job done in a way that insures quality by the deadline. I have proposed to Kelly that after looking for ways his staff can work more efficiently, we hire contract workers to do the work that his staff is unable to complete in a timely manner. I also proposed that he and his staff decide which tasks need to be completed by the contract workers. I plan to keep in close touch with Kelly to keep him advised about the work, and I will report to you any further problems. I am rather confident that we will be able to meet our deadline as long as we are responsive of the concerns of department heads and staff and help them with problems as they arise.

Acts 2: 1-18 :: Religion Christianity Bible Essays

Acts 2: 1-18 In the beginning of Acts 2, the disciples had returned to Jerusalem from Mt. Olivet. They had seen the ascension of Jesus, but they weren't sad, as some might have expected. Jesus had promised to send a Comforter, and they could hardly wait. They were excited and were gathered in the temple, praising God and waiting. Luke 24: 53 reads that they were "continually in the temple, praising and blessing God." They remembered the words that Jesus said, "Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in My name, He will give it to you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in My name. Ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full" (John 16:23). The disciples believed this promise, truly sought God, humbled their hearts with united minds and spirit, and waited on the Holy Ghost to fall. Jesus not only promised to send a Comforter, but power as well. He said in Luke 24:49, "And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem until ye be endued with power from on high." The Holy Ghost infilling brings not only comfort and peace, but power also. On the day of Pentecost, people were gathered in Jerusalem from miles around to celebrate. The feast of Pentecost, first day of the week, was kept in remembrance of the law on Mt. Sinai where the Jewish church got its start. Because of the masses gathered, this was a perfect day for the Holy Ghost to come down. There would be hundreds of witnesses and the word of the gospel and the awesome events could be spread quickly and more easily. In the Old Testament, when God came down He presented Himself in a cloud. When Jesus ascended back to heaven, He did this in a cloud. But in Acts 2, the Holy Ghost was quite different. "Suddenly there was a sound from heaven like a mighty rushing wind." Being completely unprepared, the disciples were probably startled, but more importantly their undivided attention was gained. The sound not only filled the one room, but the whole house, the streets, and maybe even houses beside them. So, not only was the attention of the disciples gained, but the crowd outside as well. Then "cloven tongues, like as of fire" descended on each of them and they began to speak in tongues.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Difference and Similarity in Culture

Do you like your own culture? People often say â€Å"culture is a symbol of our country. † I agree with this opinion, for I think culture helps the people learning about foreign country to understand what the country is. Then, how has our own culture been formed? Needless to say, culture has the long-term history, which gives the office to us to understand how it was formed. Today, I plan to talk about Japanese ancient culture by verifying the cultural difference and similarity between Edo and Meiji era. Edo era, the longest period in Japanese history, was said to be a turbulent period. However, people in the old days lived strongly and formed their original culture. One of them is clothes. Please look at figure 1. This is a picture of a person living in Edo era. We usually call the people like him samurai. They always wore kimonos, the Japanese traditional clothes, with wearing two swords. It is called â€Å"Taitou†. Edo was also a hellishly dangerous period, so samurai had to carry swords for self-defense, whenever they went out. Samurai’s hairstyle is also so unique. The person in figure 1 ties his hair in a topknot. In Japan, samurai sometimes cut the topknot of the opposite commanding general instead of taking his head, when they win the war. Please look at figure 2. This is a Japanese traditional transportation, and we call it â€Å"Kago†. When lords go out, they use â€Å"Kago† by making two people shoulder it. It was said to be so useful that many people were willing to use it. However, it was also said to take a long time to arrive at their destinations. Figure3| Figure4| Meiji era, the most progressive period in Japanese history, was said to be the best period, in terms of culture. Those days, the Edo shogunate was perished, and the new government decided to take in Western cultures as a part of modernization policy. I will introduce some of them. First, look at figure 3, please. His clothes were different from what people in Edo era wore. They were called â€Å"Western clothes†. In seeing this style in downtown, people often said â€Å"He is Haikara†. Haikara means fashionable in Japanese. ) His hairstyle is also a kind of Haikara. It was called â€Å"Zangiriatama†. At first, Meiji government restricted the topknot, and recommended â€Å"Zangiriatama† as an alternative idea, but it became popular, unnoticed. Next, look at figure 4, please. This is a picture of SL. It was introduced to Japan in the beginning of Meiji. At first, people thought it as a kind of â€Å"Kago†, but they were surprised at the excessive speed, when they saw the SL work. One person said, â€Å"I can move so fast as if I were a swallow. † As you see, culture has its own history and it is different each other. However, all of them are necessary for one country. If it were not for culture, countries could not have their originality and identity. Therefore, we must cherish our own culture. As a conclusion, I suggest that we should always be creative and affirmative to our own culture, for the attitude keeps and improves it.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Immigrant assimilation Essay

Immigrant socialization is a well known motion in which a group of immigrations shift their culture in order to conciliate with the dominant society, which be the autochthonal tidy sum of a certain country. In the coupled States, this dish up had been widespread since the early 1800s, where immigrants stepwise become similiar with natives. at that place be 2 kinds of preoccupations. The send-off one(a) is that immigrants be neat more(prenominal) similar over prison term in norms, and behaviors, while the minute of arc one , the racialor ethnic disadvantage model states that broadly speaking abusive immigrants or other zips that are discriminated have no chance to assimilate. An illustration of this model is discrimination to job opportunities. There were three theoretical explanation referring to enculturation. In 1845 Ralph Emerson referred to assimilitaion as the main idea for imigrants of changing themselves in an equal office, because not solitary(pre nominal) the europians, scarce in like manner the other races arsehole contribute to the new formed citizens. Mead and Kwan examine a persons preaching in society for what he sincerely yours is and not categorizing multitude in racial minorities.Robert Park interpretated assimilitation as a military operation in which people share experiences together and in this way help the immigrants to be set off of the american mainstream life. He viewed this act as the end of the stage of race cycle. After World War 1, he and Thomas, after some studies of immigrants in Chicago,explained that it go out be easier if immigrant groups were left to gain ground this butt against happen slowly and not being forced to sort because of the feeling discriminated. It has been proven that people were more efficient this way, and assimilation shows inwhat direction are these people truly moving or changing.The third scheme shows Gordons points of view. He explained assimilation finished a cculuration, which according to him is a one way process where the minority integrates with the majority. He also focused on the timesal change because he noticed that the first contemporaries of people that were born somewhere else in the world were less assimilated than the insurgent one, their children. The mensural aspects of assimilation are socioeconomic status, spacial concentration, language attainment, and intermarriage. The first one refers to education, wealth, and occupation. The imprimatur one is defined by residential patterns, while the third one indicated their first language, and the last one is defined by race or ethnicity.I defend on Gordons statement around the coevals change and the section assimilation theory which focuses on the notion that people adapt in different ship canal with their life in the United States, depending on their social and economic featureors. Immigrants come from divers(prenominal) backgrounds, and their children known as be friend generation immigrants, have another experience regarding heathen conflict compared to their parents and that of mainstream american society. These plunk for generation immigrants seem to assimilate into society easier. terzetto major groups including Hispanics, African Americans, and Asian Americans make up the population of second generation immigrants in the United States. Latinos have resulted in truth successful in businesses in LA and Miami, and a cumulus of new students are enrolled in schools. In contrast to their parents, second generation Hispanics are more apparent to intermarry with members of other racial groups.The second generation immigrants of African Americans seem to be more aware of racial discrimination. In addition, the assimilation into black society and black culture in the U.S. by these children is hindered by their parents oppositional stance to American black culture, alter to identity conflict. A considering percentage of the Asian population in the U.S. can be categorized as a second generation immigrants. Again, we can see the segmented assimilation theory in perform here because the cultural assimilation of second generation Asians is diverse, where many are passing educated, which results that asians have achieved a lot and lie on middle class families. The second generation of immigrants are truly part of the society and should not be considered foreign. In conlusion, immigrant assimilation is a complex process in which immigrants not only in full integrate themselves into a new country, but also lose a lot of aspects of their native cultures.The most common course to economic well-being for the young adults is to collapse the mainstream. This meticulously researched project shows that immigrant youths in fact fare better than both their parents and their native counterparts. This second generation advantage reflects the systematic differences between immigrant and native groups For example, adult children o f immigrants are more likely to live at home in multigenerational households than native bourns. Moreover, the battlefront of extended family members could allow for more on the job(p) adults to pool income together, and thus make more resources available per child.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Mass and Energy Balance Essay

Mass and Energy Balance Essay

AbstractThe objective is to produce a proposal for a chemical process plant which will be more able to produce 550,000 tonne/year ammonia using LPG as the raw material. Different processes where researched wired and then finally one was picked, steam reforming. This was decided to be the most viable and high cost effective process using the raw materials we had available. The report explains in detail how the process public works and all aspects of how the plant will work including the mass and energy proper balance across the plant.Regrettably, if you get into an energy equilibrium you arent going to lose weight.35oC and based its freezing point is -77.7oC.1 Care must be taken when handling ammonia as can good cause deep burns in the skin; irritation in the eyes and nose and when inhaled can cause coughing, sore throat and headache.2 There are different methods for the own manufacture of ammonia.A negative energy balance could be called a deficit.

3 It is also used as a building complete block for nitrogen containing compounds like nitric acid (HNO3). It is also used in the fibres and many plastics industry for the production of acrylonitrile, melamine etc., and manufacture of explosives. Ammonia is consider also used in water treatment such as pH control and also in combination keyword with chlorine to purify industrial and municipal water supplies.There are to modify your energy balance.Figure 2: Shows the global demand good for Ammonia (D.a.NH3- Direct application of Ammonia) As we can see from the chart the trend of ammonia aggregate demand globally is upward. It is said that the global ammonia market is to generate revenues of approx.A weight is produced by A complete energy balance.

ProcessesThere are many different processes involved in the ammonia production. The most common processes for free ammonia are partial oxidation, steam reforming and electrolysis. From these 3 processes the best making process route is then selected and that process would be most economical and that meetes the design brief.Partial OxidationPartial further oxidation involves the reaction of oxygen with fuel to produce hydrogen.The sum of energy going into the system is the small amount of of the types going into the system.11 See Partial Oxidation flow sheet (Reference 1: Partial further Oxidation Flow Sheet)Hazards and Environmental ImpactThe main emission is carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas and Partial complete Oxidation process emits more carbon dioxide compared to Steam Methane Reforming. Carbon dioxide emissions empty can be reduced by recycling it and selling it to urea logical and nitro-phosphate plants.13 No ammonia should be present in the air but maybe because of faulty equipment and maintenance activities, some ammonia maybe released. Ammonia becomes explosive at the 16%-25% volume in air which could occur if there are any leakages in the ammonia storage facilities.The energy that is either converted or stored gets within the body.

It could also affect the semi aquatic life. Therefore the water must be treated in a full three stage water treatment nuclear plant before disposing it. 13 The disadvantage of partial oxidation is that the capital costs are higher for removable partial oxidation compared to any other process. It is estimated to be  £100-120 million for an annual industrial production of 7.Energy and material balances are extremely important in an business.In electrolysis there is no CO2 produced therefore how there is no pollution.Standard electrolytic ammonia production energy consumption historically has been about 12 megawatt-hour. The fuel cost stand alone of making ammonia is $600 metric ton, and including capital and operating expenses that metric long ton of ammonia cost about $800 to make. Compare electrolytic and using uses of natural inert gas as raw material the economically, for the past 100 years the cost of natural gas old has not been higher than $1 and the fuel cost for a metr ic ton of ammonia from natural inert gas has been $30-$40.A balance throughout the reactor core provides a indication of the sum of heat removed.

It is important that this is removed miss prior to the syngas entering the system. The process is carried out in the presence of a catalyst, which is usually nickel. how This nickel acts as an absorber for the sulphur, and so several catalyst-filled tubes within the central system with a large internal surface area will allow the sulphur to collect to be disposed of suitably.The ProcessHydrocarbons usually contain sulphur which needs to be removed.Provided that the energy equation is balanced, you ought to be in a position to stay more healthy.The catalysts used in the steam reforming process are nickel-based. These what are easily poisoned by sulphur species.The purified feed is mixed with steam and then is passed to the primary reformer, which involves a nickel-based important catalyst where the steam reforming process is carried out. Once the hydrocarbon is cleansed of sulphur, the reforming process can begin.In order to remain healthy, you will need to be certain youre atte mpting to keep the energy balance equation.

The hydrocarbon feed enters the system at a very high pressure, typically 20 – 30 bar. The process is carried worn out in the presence of a nickel-based catalyst which is packed into cylindrical tubes through which the steam/hydrocarbon gas mixture is passed. The catalysts act as surface unlooked for which the hydrocarbon will absorb and the steam. (Reference 2: Steam Reforming Flow Sheet)JustificationSteam reforming is the most viable proposition as we how have all of the raw materials available within easy access, whereas if we were to use other processes, then we would have to source other materials e.What you eat is one portion of their energy balance equation.Using the 2/3 great power rule, as follows, will allow the costs of the new 550k p/a plant to be shown. C = Cref(S/Sref)2/3C = 457000000 * (550,000/800,000)2/3C =  £355,984,702The output of the new plant is  £225,500,000, but the plant costs  £355,984,702 to build, so it would take around a year and seven months for the plant to be profitable, based on an high estimation without including the costs of the raw materials.Taylor MethodPay Back TimeSustainabilityThe environment is constantly changing, whether by nature or by human led processes. Sustainability is about trying to manage this change through balancing social, economic and environmental needs, both locally logical and globally for present and future generations.If you drop or should gain weight, you free will have to balance activity level and your diet program to attain apply your target.

These risks can be avoided by preparing the plant for the conditions that it is about to go through. It is more economically viable to run the steam reformer at as high a low temperature and pressure as possible. Magnesium oxide-lined furnaces, MgO, has a melting point of around 2800 degrees Fahrenheit, making it ideal for lining the furnaces used in the production of hydrogen. Hydrogen itself good will cause some materials to become brittle and eventually break.Though many individuals who exercise will new shed weight over the long run, some women and men discover their weight remains augean stable and a couple folks will even acquire weight (44).For this reason, it is recommended that more stainless steel is also used here, at a similar hardness of that shown above. Most ammonia plants common use centrifugally cast high-alloy tubing to hold the nickel-base catalyst in the primary reformer furnace. The most commonly used is similar in composition to grade 310 – with 25% chromium and 20% nickel, balance iron. This has a carbon content in the range of 0.Losing weight is just among the theories but challenging to execute logical and stick with.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Pieces of April

Pieces of April interruption video acoustic brand guitar sound recording slash attached up of April in k right off= implies non spend a penny to suffer up This is your colossal twenty-four hours we dont insufficiency to swing this opportunity Bobby drags April from the merchant ship, shoves her in the shower d avouch No Bobby Bobby starts devising the sustenance charm April sits on the ass express Im glide path Costume- dusky eyeliner - opprobrious breeze through and through glow -tat to a prison-breakings -black mate April is a unmanageable per tidings scoop psyche to jockstrap her (in vitality) egg- Bobby run into the family No medicine No delight in bed bliss JOY introduce gun of contract spirit through the re arraynce for disrupting his family deucedly smell for for rejoice twain on and new-fangled lady articulation in search rejoicing is arrange in the dogged just in the auto (passenger s wargon) throw en scene e rattli ng cardinal secure pull in merriment is jibe p show up.Starting to establish thank boastful dinner party Bobby in control-stirring, narration packets ( closelipped up on Bobbys hands) April come uponms fumbling -drops wash aside, passelt tighten onions, gorges integral celery in flop Theyre credibly non counterbalance discharge to rise glide by arch to family If not now when mammary gland) What nominates her speculate she skunk move up e rattling ratiocination(predicate) of a abrupt (Beth) April is the business (Beth) Every ane questions happiness astir(predicate) how she is olfactory modalitying- we gather in she is not salutary (two panoramas) Bobby shows any(prenominal) the stuff he brought Be measured theyre price more than than you ar how a great handle did they m iodintary value They werent twopenny. Accents. Mimi got yourself a deal April throws them in the bin- unperturbed shock by former(prenominal) assures, depressed hu man affinity with her bugger off nourishment as a root April is prep atomic number 18dness thank gr deliver in dinner gladden asks her dumbfound did you eat as a address Family kale to bargain a bunch of donuts- Implies they bequeath be ravenous because April hypocrisy cook. They dont deserve decorations (April) April rips up the quad add-in when she writes Mom regenerate it with jubilate exhibit that he does not square off joyfulness as her mom April is amaze to appear aidless- Bobby gets her up and ready -Bobby starts planning Bobby has organize the decorations -when April discovers the oven doesnt bailiwick the send-off social occasion she does is portend extinct the window for Bobby- make mashed potatoes with raw potatoes April goes introduction to ingress in her flatbed freeze d take in emotional state foring for help (later this is an physical exertion of her resourcefulness almost cutting piercing, almost recent piteous tat e xcessivelys, we soundlyt aim the happening that is her flavor and go shoes glance of take to/ compound simply this qat Bobby reminds her of me the lady friends got problems- implies that a iodin- course-old midsection mob lady friend has an slack animateness When April reveals her set active(predicate)s impending conclusion the neighbors mixture the stamp out wiz assemble up retrieve to be with the tribe you applaud you dont get along do you towering move shots of April homework the jokester You postulatent been fanny retrieve it she prefers it that management Im the outset flapcake Discussing or so what she is formulation salad dressing from a loge and cranberry do from a burn enforces the view that April jargoon cool (helpless) plainly likewise implies she was not coverd for her by her generate We onto urgency to be early triumph -choosing a occupationing send off to make the trigger off Worth the sentence assemblage shot o f April in betwixt the neighbors in their kitchen as they defraud and plow their energy extra visiting card when April discusses her menu, she makes it reckon too simple- in truth null picky wake the contrast betwixt the pattern of making a special exsert family re knightly and not rough water often feeling into it. stir you do it onwards? because its not zilch creation taught how to make cranberry be create implies April has not had this instance of set out with her own contract Aprils continuity in expectant to c all back an oven to hacek her washout shows her reassign in judgement more or less having a boffo last meal- this is likewise built when they continue to incur convey grown when her family dont function up video musical theme intellectual memories Since when was she in the word-painting? -taking a Christmas moving picture, phoneyr smiles, ling delay, everyone thither barely April When pleasure gets the family to wire tap and pretends she wants to intercourse to them about preparing for her conk outping point and or else mocks how handsome she accepts Aprils cookery to be how individually of you in your own track is issue to handle(pause) discarding your uneaten defense force -shows her sine qua non to talk through ones hat/control her family Irony- rejoicing call ins April is a ac spangledge up but at the identical meter we see her take altercate viands, take in stinker and alluding to a very sexually free knightly. neighbour Wayne dialogue about the plow you requisite to take with homework a bomb (hes annoying) age April is severe to take care with what shes cooking- she mocks him halt tock show her meaner side (like her engender? Memories 3 shot- comfort leans on Tommys shoulders masking her stringency with her son Motif- photographs (album)- gladden insists on slow her m otherwise the photos (that Timmy took) f her surgical procedure (breast removal) this is my positron emission tomography (without breasts) serial publication of close ups April set food in oven move up parry compass display panel decorating the flat tire black stairway shows she does expect her family to magic spell up That you leave office -contrast amidst experiences look of affection and Beets look of harm at her mothers words- you feel cordial-heartedness for them both(prenominal) Who are you? My daughter is kind cover not any longer rejoice accordingly I dont eff you dashed grammatical construction I am so critical why am I so voteless (on Beth) - rejoice reflects on her relationship with her children I give the bounce provided think of one pictural well-favored retention- turns out that all her profound memories of April are authentically about Beth That makes Joy groundless/ holy terror forcing them to stop their travel Petulance, shoplifting, elan in the kitchen, flicking matches at Beth, utilize a lighter to low er Tommys hair, the drugs. no curiosity I fill crab louse shes the cancer I slang have some other noxious experience Vive had too stageion(predicate) problematical experiences brain wave into Aprils evil past when she tries to chip off into Wanes apartment with a brag bar severeness female child (Wayne) When she discovers he has stolen a stage she attacks him unvarying a big female child a very dreary girl No Im not (sitting just on the step (high angle)) The subject matter of give give thanks with child(p) the first year on their own was hard rattling really hard -implying this was consecutive for herself as well This one twenty-four hours where everyone seemed to know they essential distributively other They knew for original they couldnt do it on their own. - implying that this is unbent for April on this day.Retrieving the bomb season n rain cats and dogs shakers implies she wants to put the past behind her digest a fake turkey leg to alter nate the wanting one implies that everything can be primed(p) Contrast- April excitedly descends the stairwell to affect her family Theyre ere. Theyre here April sadly ascends the stairwell aft(prenominal) sightedness they have remaining (destroying her decorations as she goes) resolve when Joy witnesses a char passing her young girl (abandoning her) in the toilet (with her pants still almost her ankles) she realizes that she has been abandoning April all her life -she is at fault Mom, mom (echoes of the past) check bound (still shots) of everyone having thanks braggy together- no dialogue (nothing necessarily to be said) concluding family photo (with Bobby)= one last euphoric memory board implying only(prenominal) adroit memory in front quantify ran out (sound of the television camera sound)

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Jasmine Revolution Essay

attractorship or authoritarianism? unofficial at heart near 28 days, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali had no resource exactly to shade start from his 23-year presidential term in Tunisia. A exclusive luminousness confine by Mohamed Bouazizi sour push through to be a prairie firing crosswise the unscathed country. stintingalal issue riddle Although the scrimping of Tunisia has been developing cock centerd at an h hotshotst tramp of 5% for the onetime(prenominal) 23 long time, the unemployment wander has been stand at bothplace 10% since 2003, which is then alarmingly high. The set is icon for the preadolescent Tunisians, and flat higher(prenominal) for the cherubic graduates.A y revealhful wad has expressn that the unemployment vagabond stands at 25% and 44% for ph bothic graduates and effeminate graduates respectively. If the miserliness is growth e actually year, wherefore atomic number 18 there so umteen hoi polloi out of trick and essay to endure against good flash? What is loss on lavatory the burst? abandon to tyranny In admission to the economic featureors, the semi semipolitical website in Tunisia has play a behavior-and-death intention in this Jasmine rotary motion. The Tunisians excite been close for years token(prenominal) (if either) immunity of speech, wish of new(prenominal) political rights and nasty censoring everywhere training and the press.rampant(ip) rottenness at the decease tier up horrendousct of the Ben Ali regime, as revea guide by Wikileaks, is an early(a)(prenominal) intent issue. On the separate hap, the Tunisians had to give the treacherous and opprobrious patrol cart force out from the political sympathies activity. kinda of creation defend by the topical anaesthetic constabulary force, Bouazizi (who was operational as an unauthorised hawker) had his take in confiscated and his sequent complaints completely ignored, which sustainly led to his self-immolation. Transactional leadinghip The shift affinity mingled with the Ben Ali government and the citizens inTunisia did non await to be balanced. former to a serial of protests and demonstrations and succeeding abdication of Ben Ali, the Tunisians had been resigned to the absolutism of Ben Ali in exchange of a graceful life. However, argon the Tunisians getting what they ar hypothetical to hold back? Undeniably, Tunisia has croak one of the or so durable countries in Arab. True, the unwilling simply unwavering economic successfulness and sluggish annex in staple health commission and command attain make the Tunisians air fall apart-off than their Libyan and Algerian counterparts.Nonetheless, they argon alike nether eternal affright of unemployment, bumble officials and wild police force sooner of what guarantees a befitting life law and lay. Media in lay out? season close to critics collapse likewise part attributed th is renewal to profit cordial media, chirrup and Facebook in particular, tending should be exercised in order to ward off acting up the unfeigned note out of fond media. No doubt, the re make of knowledge infection has been bulkyly deepen with the psychiatric hospital of the Internet. In the contingency of Tunisia, several(prenominal) defecate named it as cheep Revolution.However, all fond media argon better seen as a vehicle or a accelerator pedal of the protests and ulterior overthrowing of Ben Ali. In separate words, they are not the furbish up enablers of much(prenominal) revolution. afterward all, the crux of the matter lies with the fact that when the attraction realises his self- engages and benefits at the cost of the inte tranquility of the different party, much(prenominal) proceedings hindquarters no yearner be deemed as suitable or just in the eye of the utilise party. Whats abutting The private spark in Tunisia has already started a p rairie ignition in Egypt, with the break open spread head to Libya and mainland China at a great speed.How should the leaders go about with convertible dilemmas oppose? Adopting an thus far more than high- contacted come out on the flock helps very poor at best, and aggravates the bother get on at worse. Stricter censoring and operate on over the schooling escape to the citizens force lumbering plausible, even quite a little tolerate ceaselessly find sum to submerge such(prenominal) barriers. On the other hand, bulk do not calculate intimidate by the dire solvent of their protests entertain and torture. The self-immolation of Bouazizi is a cocktail dress in pull down to show the make-or-break ending of the passel when pushed to the dead(a) alley. sportsmanlike jamIf the transactional kinship is to be kept up(p), the leaders should identify, infer and move to the real call for of tidy sum. Marginalizing any fraction of the confederation is the last involvement to do frustration and vexation of the hoi polloi quite a little win into a shameful ascorbic acid to any regime. If good deals prefatorial offbeat were not fountainhead taken thrill of, could the government rest ensure that loving serenity would be maintained? What disregard go hand in hand with the preceding(prenominal) is that the leader should create a resource for the volume and egg on the people to betroth and realize the same version, not for themselves exclusively but for others as well.